  • Company Info.

    Kalpataru Projects International Ltd.

    Shareholding Pattern

    Market Cap.(`) 14629.23 Cr. P/BV 2.82 Book Value (`) 304.23
    52 Week High/Low ( ` ) 1449/821 FV/ML 2/1 P/E(X) 28.71
    Book Closure 28/06/2024 EPS (`) 29.84 Div Yield (%) 0.93
    You can view the shareholding pattern for the latest two quarters for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promters).


    Shareholding Pattern as on 31/12/2024
    Summary statement holding of specified securities
    Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) No. of shares pledged or otherwise encumbered - No.(a) No. of shares pledged or otherwise encumbered - As a % of total shares held(b) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
    (A) Promoter & Promoter Group 22 57243787 57243787 33.52 33.52 14077735 24.59 57243787
    (B) Public 112110 113528759 113528759 66.48 66.48 0 0.00 113281324
    (C1) Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
    (C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
    (C) Non Promoter-Non Public 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
    Grand Total 112132 170772546 170772546 100.00 100.00 14077735 8.24 170525111

    Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
    Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
    Individuals / Hindu Undivided Family 14 20138056 0 20138056 11.79 20138056
    Mofatraj Pukhraj Munot 1 16343218 0 16343218 9.57 16343218
    Tara Kanga 1 1737990 0 1737990 1.02 1737990
    Sunita Vijay Choraria 1 871650 0 871650 0.51 871650
    Parag Mofatraj Munot 1 639331 0 639331 0.37 639331
    Yasmin Imtiaz Kanga 1 300000 0 300000 0.18 300000
    Imtiaz Kanga 1 100000 0 100000 0.06 100000
    Sudha Rajesh Golecha 1 96636 0 96636 0.06 96636
    Chandra Amar Munot 1 10000 0 10000 0.01 10000
    Umang Rajesh Golechha 1 9106 0 9106 0.01 9106
    Jash Choraria 1 7000 0 7000 0.00 7000
    Khushali Yash Mandawewala 1 7000 0 7000 0.00 7000
    Rajesh B Golechha Huf 1 2125 0 2125 0.00 2125
    Rajesh Bhagchand Golechha 1 7000 0 7000 0.00 7000
    Vijay K Choraria 1 7000 0 7000 0.00 7000
    Any Other (specify) 8 37105731 0 37105731 21.73 37105731
    K C Holdings Pvt Ltd 1 20776884 0 20776884 12.17 20776884
    Kalpataru Constructions Private Limited 1 13654347 0 13654347 8.00 13654347
    Mofatraj P. Munot (Shares held by Mofatraj Munot as one of the Trustee of Aaryaveer Benefit Trust) 1 777000 0 777000 0.45 777000
    Mofatraj P. Munot (Shares held by Mofatraj P. Munot as one of the Trustee of Saachi Benefit Trust) 1 777000 0 777000 0.45 777000
    Mofatraj P. Munot (Shares held by Mofatraj P. Munot as one of the Trustee of Shubhika Benefit Trust) 1 777000 0 777000 0.45 777000
    Kalpataru Holdings Pvt Ltd 1 333000 0 333000 0.19 333000
    Kalpatru Viniyog Llp 1 10000 0 10000 0.01 10000
    Kalpataru Properties Pvt Ltd 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
    Mofatraj P. Munot (Shares held by Mofatraj P. Munot as one of the Trustee of MPM Family Trust) 1 500 0 500 0.00 500
    Grand Total225724378705724378733.5257243787
    Public Shareholding
    Mutual Funds 20 69386985 0 69386985 40.63 69386985
    Sbi Small Cap Fund 1 16585236 0 16585236 9.71 16585236
    Icici Prudential Equity & Debt Fund 1 15433860 0 15433860 9.04 15433860
    Hdfc Small Cap Fund 1 14007158 0 14007158 8.20 14007158
    Kotak Small Cap Fund 1 9128347 0 9128347 5.35 9128347
    Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Small Cap Fund 1 4511098 0 4511098 2.64 4511098
    Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 1 2764079 0 2764079 1.62 2764079
    Aditya Birla Sun Life Trustee Private Limited A/C Aditya Birla Sun Life Pure Value Fund 1 2434632 0 2434632 1.43 2434632
    Dsp India T.I.G.E.R. Fund 1 1991203 0 1991203 1.17 1991203
    Insurance Companies 8 5763409 0 5763409 3.37 5763409
    Icici Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 1 2665646 0 2665646 1.56 2665646
    Alternate Investment Funds 18 2727696 0 2727696 1.60 2727696
    NBFCs registered with RBI 1 1250 0 1250 0.00 1250
    Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I 168 20757526 0 20757526 12.16 20757526
    The Master Trust Bank Of Japan, Ltd. As Trustee Of Hsbc India Infrastructure Equity Mother Fund 1 2016319 0 2016319 1.18 2016319
    Foreign Portfolio Investors Category II 12 893276 0 893276 0.52 893276
    Sub Total2279953014209953014258.2899530142
    Any Others (Specify) 1625 537193 0 537193 0.31 537193
    HUF 1510 376303 0 376303 0.22 376303
    LLP 104 146794 0 146794 0.09 146794
    Clearing Members 7 7919 0 7919 0.00 7919
    Trusts 4 6177 0 6177 0.00 6177
    Bodies Corporate 795 959059 0 959059 0.56 959059
    Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 106527 10952967 0 10952967 6.41 10706532
    Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 2 213997 0 213997 0.13 213997
    Non Resident Indians (NRIs) 2931 1133260 0 1133260 0.66 1132260
    Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) 1 200644 0 200644 0.12 200644
    Directors and their relatives (excluding independent directors and nominee directors) 2 1497 0 1497 0.00 1497
    Sub Total111883139986170139986178.1913751182
    Grand Total112110113528759011352875966.47113281324
  • Kalpataru Projects International Ltd.

    Products & Raw Material

    Market Cap.(`) 14629.23 Cr. P/BV 2.82 Book Value (`) 304.23
    52 Week High/Low ( ` ) 1449/821 FV/ML 2/1 P/E(X) 28.71
    Book Closure 28/06/2024 EPS (`) 29.84 Div Yield (%) 0.93

    You can view the entire product & raw materials mix with Product names, Sales quantity & Value along with percentage contribution from each individual product.

    Product Report
    Product NameYearMonthSales QuantityUOMSales Value (` Crs.)Product Mix (%)
    Income from EPC,Contracts,& Others2024120.00-16,326.2997.41
    Transmission Lines, Towers & Structures2024120.00-173.201.03
    Export Incentives2024120.00-27.680.16
    Raw Material Report
    Product NameYear/MonthSales QuantityUOMSales Value (` Crs)Product Mix (%)
    Construction Materials24/030.00Not Reported3,989.8255.40
    Components & Accessories24/030.00Not Reported2,180.8230.28
    Steel24/030.00Not Reported832.7111.56
    Zinc24/030.00Not Reported146.642.03
    Agriculture/Wood - Residue24/030.00Not Reported51.010.70
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