  • Company Info.

    HDFC Bank Ltd.

    Shareholding Pattern

    Market Cap.(`) 1354793.56 Cr. P/BV 2.99 Book Value (`) 593.31
    52 Week High/Low ( ` ) 1880/1364 FV/ML 1/1 P/E(X) 21.15
    Book Closure 10/05/2024 EPS (`) 83.77 Div Yield (%) 1.10
    You can view the shareholding pattern for the latest two quarters for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promters).


    Shareholding Pattern as on 30/09/2024
    Summary statement holding of specified securities
    Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
    (A) Promoter & Promoter Group 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
    (B) Public 3921906 6602366890 0 6602366890 100.00 100.00 6595197150
    (C1) Shares underlying DRs 2 283782 1028115525 1028399307 0.00 0.00 1028399307
    (C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 2 12112 0 12112 0.00 0.00 12112
    (C) Non Promoter-Non Public 4 295894 1028115525 1028411419 0.00 0.00 1028411419
    Grand Total 3921910 6602662784 1028115525 7630778309 100.00 100.00 7623608569

    Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
    Public Shareholding
    Mutual Funds 618 1619467863 0 1619467863 24.53 1619467863
    SBI NIFTY 50 ETF 1 460699525 0 460699525 6.98 460699525
    ICICI PRUDENTIAL VALUE DISCOVERY FUND 1 206733823 0 206733823 3.13 206733823
    HDFC TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED-HDFC FLEXI CAP FUND 1 183514366 0 183514366 2.78 183514366
    UTI NIFTY 50 ETF 1 138866320 0 138866320 2.10 138866320
    NIPPON LIFE INDIA TRUSTEE LTD-A/C NIPPON INDIA ETF NIFTY 50 BEES 1 121855316 0 121855316 1.85 121855316
    Insurance Companies 217 545943763 0 545943763 8.27 545943763
    LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA 1 354444526 0 354444526 5.37 354444526
    Provident Funds/ Pension Funds 49 107894327 0 107894327 1.63 107894327
    NPS TRUST- A/C HDFC PENSION MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD SCHEME E - TIER I 1 107894327 0 107894327 1.63 107894327
    Alternate Investment Funds 114 40110351 0 40110351 0.61 40110351
    NBFCs registered with RBI 34 5541812 0 5541812 0.08 5541812
    Banks 35 628852 0 628852 0.01 617192
    Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I 2420 3003888981 0 3003888981 45.50 3003888981
    GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE 1 158883362 0 158883362 2.41 158883362
    GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND GLOBAL 1 97276196 0 97276196 1.47 97276196
    VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND 1 78405838 0 78405838 1.19 78405838
    Other Financial Institutions 2 22040 0 22040 0.00 22040
    Foreign Portfolio Investors Category II 231 164833038 0 164833038 2.50 164833038
    Sovereign Wealth Funds 4 11982618 0 11982618 0.18 11982618
    Other Foreign Institutions 7 1274412 0 1274412 0.02 1274412
    FII 4 1262277 0 1262277 0.02 1262277
    Foreign Banks 3 12135 0 12135 0.00 12135
    Sub Total373155015880570550158805783.335501576397
    Any Others (Specify) 69208 23249057 0 23249057 0.35 23239747
    HUF 69024 13072494 0 13072494 0.20 13070494
    Physical Shares 1 5304022 0 5304022 0.08 5304022
    Trusts 163 2918686 0 2918686 0.04 2911376
    Clearing Members 18 1092671 0 1092671 0.02 1092671
    Unclaimed or Suspense or Escrow Account 1 861184 0 861184 0.01 861184
    Bodies Corporate 11894 126635479 0 126635479 1.92 126548019
    Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 3803538 735563333 0 735563333 11.14 728527153
    Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 473 123994617 0 123994617 1.88 123982227
    Non Resident Indians (NRIs) 33001 20531503 0 20531503 0.31 20519303
    Foreign Companies 2 17560383 0 17560383 0.27 17559843
    Key Managerial Personnel 2 14996 0 14996 0.00 14996
    Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) 1 10331066 0 10331066 0.16 10331066
    Directors and their relatives (excluding independent directors and nominee directors) 41 13430065 0 13430065 0.20 13430065
    Foreign Nationals 6 6302 0 6302 0.00 6302
    Associate companies / Subsidiaries 1 29337620 0 29337620 0.44 29337620
    Sub Total391816711006544210110065442116.671093496341
    Central Government / State Government(s) / President of India
    Central Government / President of India 6 71012 0 71012 0.00 71012
    State Government / Governor 1 50400 0 50400 0.00 50400
    Shareholding by Companies or Bodies Corporate where Central / State Government is a promoter 1 3000 0 3000 0.00 3000
    Sub Total812441201244120.00124412
    Grand Total3921906660236689006602366890100.006595197150
    Non Promoter - Non Public shareholder
    Custodian / DR Holder
    Custodian/DR Holder 2 283782 1028115525 1028399307 0.00 1028399307
    JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NA 1 0 1028115525 1028115525 0.00 1028115525
    Sub Total2283782102811552510283993070.001028399307
    Employee Benefit Trust
    Employee Benefit Trust 2 12112 0 12112 0.00 12112
    Sub Total2121120121120.0012112
    Grand Total4295894102811552510284114190.001028411419
  • HDFC Bank Ltd.

    Products & Raw Material

    Market Cap.(`) 1354793.56 Cr. P/BV 2.99 Book Value (`) 593.31
    52 Week High/Low ( ` ) 1880/1364 FV/ML 1/1 P/E(X) 21.15
    Book Closure 10/05/2024 EPS (`) 83.77 Div Yield (%) 1.10

    You can view the entire product & raw materials mix with Product names, Sales quantity & Value along with percentage contribution from each individual product.

    Product Report
    Product NameYearMonthSales QuantityUOMSales Value (` Crs.)Product Mix (%)
    Interest & Discount on Advances & Bills2024120.00-207,220.0180.21
    Income From Investment2024120.00-44,364.2817.17
    Interest On Balances with RBI and Other Inter-Bank Funds2024120.00-2,040.470.78
    Raw Material Report
    Product NameYear/MonthSales QuantityUOMSales Value (` Crs)Product Mix (%)
    Not Applicable24/030.00Not Applicable0.000.00
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