  • Company Info.

    Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd.

    Directors Report

    Market Cap.(`) 32797.31 Cr. P/BV 15.19 Book Value (`) 423.35
    52 Week High/Low ( ` ) 6680/2162 FV/ML 10/1 P/E(X) 394.64
    Book Closure 19/09/2024 EPS (`) 16.30 Div Yield (%) 0.12
    You can view full text of the latest Director's Report for the company.
    Year End :2023-03


    Dear Shareholders,

    The Board of Directors are pleased to present the Twenty First Annual Report of your Company, along with the Audited
    Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year (FY) ended 31st March 2023.









    Total Income





    Total Operating Expenditure





    Profit before Interest, depreciation, exceptional items and tax





    Less: Depreciation





    Less: Interest





    Less: Exceptional item





    Add / (Less): Share of loss of Associate





    Profit after exceptional items and Share of Profit / (loss) of
    Associate but before tax





    Less: Provision for tax





    Profit after tax





    Add/(Less) : Other Comprehensive Income (net of tax)





    Total Comprehensive Income for the period (Comprising
    Profit and Other Comprehensive Income for the period)





    Earnings per share (EPS)

    i. Basic (?)





    ii. Diluted (?)





    For FY 2022-23, your Company's (Standalone) total income stood at ? 52,147 lakh as compared to ? 40,323 lakh in FY
    2021-22. The operating income during the year under review was ? 44,922 lakh as against ? 32,978 lakh in FY 2021-22. Net
    profit after tax in FY 2022-23 was ? 12,983 lakh as compared to ? 11,846 lakh in FY 2021-22.

    In accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, during the year Company has adopted concessional tax
    regime u/s 115BAA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax provision for FY 2022-23 has been made accordingly. The rate of
    taxation was 22% as compared to 25% in previous year.

    The net worth of the Company as at 31st March 2023 stood at ? 1,59,570 lakh as compared to ? 1,55,530 lakh as at 31st March

    The Company had entered into an agreement with Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), according to which the new
    Commodity Derivative Platform (CDP) was to be developed, tested and delivered by TCS by 30th September 2022.

    Since the new platform is still under development, the Company considering the exigency to ensure continuity of the
    existing commodity trading and clearing platform, continued with the services of the existing vendor, 63 Moons
    Technologies Ltd, initially for a quarter ended December 2022 for ? 60 crore (plus applicable taxes). Accordingly, for the
    quarter ended 31st December 2022, MCX has incurred ? 40.20 crore (net of recoveries from MCXCCL, excluding applicable
    taxes). Later these services were extended for another two quarters ending 30th June 2023 for ? 81 crore per quarter (plus
    applicable taxes) as per the minimum period of services offered by the vendor. Accordingly for the quarter ended 31st
    March 2023 and 30th June 2023, MCX has incurred ? 54.27 crore (net of recoveries from MCXCCL excluding applicable taxes)
    respectively. Further, the Company has decided to extend the support services being rendered by its existing software
    vendor, 63 Moons Technologies Ltd. for six months, being the minimum period offered by the vendor, beginning from 01st
    July 2023 at a consideration of ? 125 crore (plus applicable taxes) per quarter.


    Your Company has, in accordance with Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, prepared the annual consolidated
    financial statements, consolidating its financials with its wholly-owned subsidiary company, MCXCCL and the associate
    companies, CCRL and IIBH (from 04th May 2022 to 14th July, 2022 and from 12th August, 2022 to 31st March, 2023). The annual
    audited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Ind AS prescribed
    under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder, as applicable, and other
    accounting principles generally accepted in India and forms part of this Annual Report. A statement containing the salient
    features of financial statements of the Company's subsidiaries, associates & joint ventures in Form AOC-1 is attached as
    Annexure I to this Report.


    During FY 2022-23, the Average Daily Turnover (ADT) of commodity futures contracts stood at ? 23,514 crore vis-a-vis ?
    26,178 crore in FY 2021-22, witnessing a decline of 10%. However, during the same period, the options ADT went up by
    333% to ? 33,998 crore from ? 7,860 crore. The Average Realization Rate (ARR) for the futures remained unchanged at ? 2.07
    per lakh (one side ADT) during the year. Overall traded Unique Client Codes for futures and options (UCC - PAN based)
    during the period increased from 4.71 lakh to 6.22 lakh.

    The total turnover of commodity futures traded on your Exchange declined by 11% to ? 60.43 lakh crore in FY 2022-23 as
    against ? 67.54 lakh crore in FY 2021-22. In contrast, options turnover for the year went up by 331% to a record total
    turnover of ? 87.37 lakh crore as against ? 20.28 lakh crore in the previous year. The futures in bullion, energy, metals and
    agriculture registered a turnover of ? 28.20 lakh crore, ? 22.30 lakh crore, ? 9.50 lakh crore and ? 0.21 lakh crore, respectively,
    as against ? 26.45 lakh crore, ? 24.02 lakh crore, ? 15.08 lakh crore and ? 1.12 lakh crore in the previous year. On the other
    hand, options turnover in energy, bullion and metals recorded total of ? 81.92 lakh crore, ? 5.45 lakh crore and ? 0.01 lakh
    crore, respectively, during FY 2022-23 vis-a-vis ? 17.69 lakh crore, ? 2.58 lakh crore and ? 0.006 lakh crore, in the previous

    In terms of metal delivery, a total of 83,746.5 metric tonnes (MT) of Base Metals were delivered through the exchange
    mechanism during FY 2022-23 as against 81,499 metric tonnes in FY 2021-22. During FY 2022-23, your Company's market
    share in commodity futures market stood at 96.8% as against 93.6% in the previous year. The volume of futures (in terms of
    contracts) traded on the Exchange decreased by 11% in FY 2022-23, to 128.8 million lots, as compared to 144.9 million lots
    in FY 2021-22. On the other hand, the volume of Options (in terms of contracts) traded increased by 323% in FY 2022-23, to
    124.2 million lots, as compared to 29.3 million lots in FY 2021-22.


    After displaying significant increase during the calendar year (CY) 2021 following the reopening of the post-pandemic
    world, global commodity prices showed mixed trends during much of CY 2022. Prices in Agricultural and Energy
    commodities generally increased, while most Base Metal prices declined. Bullion prices remained relatively stable
    compared to the previous year.

    Gold prices experienced high volatility, reaching near all-time highs in the first quarter of CY 2022 due to the Russia-Ukraine
    war, but dropped to two-year lows in the third quarter, due to a strong US dollar. Silver prices rose in the first quarter and
    fell significantly in late September, but managed to recover and close the year with a 2.3% increase compared to CY 2021.
    Among Base Metals, Copper, Aluminium, Zinc, and Lead prices declined by the close of CY 2022 after reaching record peaks
    in March. Nickel prices surged by 44.8% due to concerns over potential export sanctions on Russian Nickel and increasing
    demand due to global shift toward electric vehicles.

    In the agricultural commodities segment, US soyabean, sugar, and wheat prices increased year-on-year by 14.7%, 7.7%, and
    2.8% respectively, while US cotton prices dropped by 24.5% in CY 2022.

    Energy prices reached multi-year highs in the first half of CY 2022 on the backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions,
    however they subsequently dropped as worries emerged about a potential economic recession in many countries.
    Nevertheless, Brent and WTI crude oil prices saw increases of 11.1% and 7%, respectively on a year-on-year basis.
    Meanwhile, global natural gas prices fell in the second half of CY 2022 due to warmer-than-expected weather, improved
    energy efficiency, and changes in gas consumption behaviour. US natural gas prices were 20% higher in CY 2022 compared
    to the previous year.

    Global commodity derivatives markets experienced a decline in trading volumes across all segments in CY 2022. Precious
    metals experienced the largest decrease, followed by Energy, Non-Precious Metals, and Agricultural commodities. Data
    from the Futures Industry Association (FIA) showed that aggregate volumes in these segments decreased by
    approximately 20% in CY 2022, compared to the previous year, reaching 6.6 billion contracts in the year. Precious Metals
    trading volumes were down by around 26%, while Energy, Non-Precious Metals, and Agricultural commodities' trading
    volumes declined by about 24%, 19%, and 15% respectively.

    In the current CY 2023, macroeconomic signals emanating from the global economy show it in a gradual recovery phase,
    though uncertainties persist due to the lingering impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and high levels of inflation. As a
    result, global growth may remain subdued in the medium term, as per most estimates. The International Monetary Fund's
    July 2023 update to its World Economic Outlook (WEO) report suggests that global growth is expected to reach 3.0% in
    2023, down from 3.5% in 2022, and remain at 3.0% in 2024 too. Efforts to control inflation globally are anticipated to reduce
    headline inflation from 7.3% to 4.7% in advanced economies (AEs) and from 9.8% to 8.6% among emerging market and
    developing economies (EMDEs) in 2023, as per IMF's WEO released in April 2023. These ongoing trends are likely to impact
    global commodity markets throughout the year.

    Your Company's performance during the FY 2022-23 and outlook during FY 2023-24 may be analysed against this


    There has been no change in the share capital of your Company during the year under review. As on 31st March 2023, the
    paid-up share capital of your Company stood at ? 5,099.84 lakh comprising of 50998369 Equity shares of ? 10 each fully

    Your Company has, during the year under review, neither issued any Equity shares with differential voting rights nor issued
    any shares (including sweat equity shares) to its employees under any scheme.


    During the year under review, the Company has complied with the specified time limit for implementation of Corporate


    For FY 2022-23, your Company does not propose to transfer any amount to the General Reserve.


    An amount of ? 1,20,415 lakh (Previous Year ? 1,16,306 lakh) is proposed to be retained as surplus in the Profit and Loss


    The Board of Directors of your Company in its meeting held on 20th May 2023, have recommended a dividend of ? 19.09
    (191%) per equity share on a face value of ? 10 per share for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2023, subject to the
    approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

    The outgo on account of the proposed dividend of 191% (Previous Year 174%) to be paid by the Company aggregates to
    approximately ? 9,736 lakh, being a payout of 75% of the profit after tax (PAT) for the year ended 31st March 2023, as against
    ? 8,874 lakh during the previous year.

    Your Directors have recommended the dividend based on the Company's performance and adequacy of existing cash/
    cash equivalent at its disposal to provide for capital expenditure on technology development and new business initiatives.

    In view of the changes made under the Income-Tax Act, 1961, by the Finance Act, 2020, dividends paid or distributed by the
    Company shall be taxable in the hands of the Shareholders. The Company shall, accordingly, make the payment of the Final
    Dividend after deduction of tax at source. For more clarity on deduction of tax, please refer para on 'Tax Deducted at Source
    ("TDS") on Dividend' as mentioned in the notes to the Notice of 21st AGM.


    During the year under review, the Memorandum of Association ('MOA') and Articles of Association ('AOA') of the Company
    were amended with the approval of the shareholders at their 20th Annual General Meeting held on 27th September 2022.
    Post receipt of approval of Shareholders, the Company has pre-published the MOA & AOA in the Gazette of Maharashtra
    and the Gazette of India, inviting public comments. The amendments were then approved by the SEBI vide letter dated 23rd
    January 2023. Post receipt of approval from SEBI, the Company has published the amendments in the Gazette of
    Maharashtra and the Gazette of India respectively. Thereafter, the amended MOA and AOA was filed with Registrar of


    The Company continuously strives for excellence in its Investor Relations engagement with investors through physical,
    video and audio meetings through structured conference-calls and periodic investor/analyst interactions participation in
    investor conferences, quarterly earnings calls, and analyst meet from time to time. The Company's leadership team spent
    significant time to interact with investors to communicate the strategic direction of the business in a number of investors
    meets. No unpublished price sensitive information is discussed in these meetings. The Company ensures that critical
    information about the Company is available to all the investors, by uploading all such information on the Company's



    There are no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the Company which have occurred
    between the end of the FY 2022-23 to which the financial statement relate and the date of this Report except to the extent
    stated at point 1 above regarding technology expenses.


    During the year under review, there was no change in the nature of business of the Company.



    Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with Investor Education and
    Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 ("IEPF Rules"), and relevant circulars and
    amendments thereto, the amount of dividend remaining unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of
    transfer of such amount to Unpaid Dividend Account, is required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection
    Fund ("IEPF"), constituted by the Central Government.

    The Company had, accordingly transferred the following amount to IEPF during the year under review:

    Sr. No

    Type of Dividend

    Dividend per share

    Date of Declaration

    Date of Transfer

    Amount transferred


    Final Dividend
    for FY 2014-15

    ? 10/-

    29th September 2015

    17th November 2022

    ? 15,66,740/-


    Pursuant to the provisions of IEPF Rules, all equity shares in respect of which dividend has not been paid or claimed for last
    seven consecutive years shall be transferred by the Company to the designated Demat Account of the IEPF Authority ("IEPF
    Account") within a period of thirty days of such shares becoming due to be transferred.

    Accordingly, 731 equity shares of ?10/- each on which the dividend remained unpaid or unclaimed for last seven
    consecutive years with reference to the due date of 04th December 2022, were transferred during the FY 2022-23 to the IEPF
    Authority after following the prescribed procedure.

    All equity shares in respect of which dividend has not been paid or claimed for last seven consecutive years shall be
    transferred by the Company to IEPF Authority in accordance with provisions of the Act and IEPF Rules made thereunder.
    Members who have not encashed any of their dividends, which have not been transferred to IEPF Authority, are advised to
    claim their dividends.

    Any Shareholder whose dividend/shares are transferred to IEPF can claim the shares by making an online application in
    Form IEPF-5 (available on ).


    Name: Manisha Thakur, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
    Email address:

    The Company has transferred the following unclaimed dividend amount and shares to IEPF as on 31st March 2023:

    Sr. No


    No. of shares
    transferred to IEPF

    Category amount
    transferred to IEPF

    Amount transferred
    to IEPF (in. ?)


    2011-12 - Interim


    Unclaimed Dividend



    2011-12 - Final


    Unclaimed Dividend



    2012-13 - Interim


    Unclaimed Dividend



    2012-13 - Final


    Unclaimed Dividend



    2013-14 - Interim


    Unclaimed Dividend



    2013-14 - Final


    Unclaimed Dividend



    2014-15- Final


    Unclaimed Dividend





    IPO Refund





    Year wise amount of Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend lying in the unpaid account upto 31st March 2023, and the
    corresponding shares, which are liable to be transferred to the IEPF, and the due dates for such transfer:

    Sr. No

    Date of declaration
    of Dividend

    Number of Shareholders
    against whom
    Dividend is unpaid

    Number of Shares
    against whom
    Dividend is unpaid

    Amount Unpaid as

    31st March 2023

    Due Date of
    transfer of
    Unpaid and
    Dividend to


    14th AGM Final 2015-16



    ? 3,84,228.00/-

    24th November


    15th AGM Final 2016-17



    ? 8,04,660.00/-

    27th October


    16th AGM Final 2017-18



    ? 10,45,857.00/-

    05th November


    17th AGM Final 2018-19



    ? 10,46,620.00/-

    25th November


    18th AGM Final 2019-20



    ? 24,00,105.00/-

    05th November


    19th AGM Final 2020-21



    ? 11,41,003.40/-

    08th October


    20th AGM Final 2021-22



    ? 70,7,196.20/-

    01st December


    Your Company has not invited any deposits from the public, and as such, no amount of principal or interest related thereto
    was outstanding as on 31st March 2023.


    The details of loans, guarantees and investments under the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with
    the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014, as on 31st March 2023, are set out in
    Note 4 & 8 to the
    Standalone Financial Statements of the Company.

    The Company has not provided any guarantee or security to any person or entity and has not made any loans and advances
    in the nature of loans to firms/companies in which Directors of the Company are interested.


    During the FY 2022-23, 13 (Thirteen) meetings of the Board of Directors were held. The details of meetings of the Board, are
    provided in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report.

    Separate meetings of the Public Interest Directors were held on 15th June 2022, 26th July 2022, 22nd August 2022, 18th
    November 2022 and 14th March 2023.


    Your Company, being a recognized stock exchange and regulated by SEBI, is required to, inter alia, comply with the
    provisions relating to constitution of the Company's Board of Directors as specified in the Companies Act, 2013, the
    Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as
    the "SECC Regulations, 2018") and the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

    Your Company has a well-diversified Board comprising of Directors coming from various walks of life and having wide
    range of experience, in the areas of management, technology, governance, risk management, capital market, leadership
    and finance. A multi-faceted talent-pool enables leveraging multitude of thoughts, perspectives, knowledge base, skills
    and industry experiences, to ensure effective corporate governance and sustained commercial success of the Company.

    As on 31st March 2023, the Board comprised of 11 (eleven) Directors, of which 6 (six) were Public Interest Directors
    (PID)/Independent Directors, 4 (four) were Shareholder Directors/Non-Independent Directors and 1 (one) Managing
    Director. Your Company had 1 (one) Woman Independent Director on the Board, in compliance with the SEBI (LODR)
    Regulations, 2015.

    A "Public Interest Director" under the SECC Regulations, 2018, means an Independent Director representing the interests of
    investors in securities market and who is not having any association, directly or indirectly, which in the opinion of the
    Board, is in conflict with his/her role, and accordingly such Directors are considered as Independent Directors for adhering
    compliance with the provisions of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and the Companies Act, 2013.

    As mandated, all the Public Interest Directors of your Company have been duly registered with the databank for
    Independent Directors maintained by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs.

    Your Company has received confirmations from all the Public Interest Directors to the effect that each of them meets the
    criteria of independence, as prescribed under Regulation (16)(1)(b) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and Section 149(6)
    of the Companies Act, 2013. There has been no change in the circumstances affecting their status as Independent Directors
    of the Company. The nomination/ appointment of Independent Directors/Public Interest Directors on the Board of your
    Company is in accordance with the eligibility conditions prescribed by SEBI and is made with the approval of SEBI.

    Further, all the Directors have confirmed that they are 'Fit and Proper,' in terms of the SECC Regulations, 2018. Your Company
    has also obtained affirmation of adherence to Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Code of Conduct of your
    Company in accordance with the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 from all the Directors, as applicable.

    None of the Directors of the Company are disqualified for being appointed as Directors as specified in Section 164 (2) of the
    Act read with Rule 14 of Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014.

    During the year under review, the tenure of Mr. Saurabh Chandra (DIN: 02726077), Public Interest Director/ Independent
    Director of the Company was completed on 02nd July 2022 pursuant to SECC Regulations, 2018. Further, the tenure of Ms.
    Pravin Tripathi (DIN: 06913463) and Mr. Bhartendu Kumar Gairola (DIN: 02442205), Non-Executive Independent
    Directors/Public Interest Directors of the Company was completed on 16th September 2022 pursuant to SECC Regulations,
    2018. In order to fill the resulting vacancies, with the approval of SEBI Mr. Ashutosh Vaidya (DIN: 06751825), Mr. Ved Prakash
    Chaturvedi (DIN: 00030839) and Ms. Sonu Bhasin (DIN: 02872234) were appointed as a Non-Executive Independent
    Directors/Public Interest Directors for a period of three years in terms of SECC Regulations, 2018 with effect from 17th
    September 2022.

    Mr. Ved Prakash Chaturvedi vide his letter dated 11th August 2023 has tendered his resignation as Non-Executive-
    Independent Director/Public Interest Director of the Company with effect from 11th August 2023 for personal reasons. Mr.
    Chaturvedi in his letter has also confirmed that there are no other material reasons for his resignation other than those
    mentioned in the resignation letter.

    Pursuant to Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules framed thereunder Mr. Chengalath Jayaram
    (DIN: 00012214), Shareholder Director/Non-Independent Director, was liable to retire by rotation at the 20th Annual General
    Meeting ("AGM") held on 27th September 2022. However, Mr. Jayaram had communicated to the Company that he was not
    seeking reappointment. Accordingly, Mr. Jayaram has retired from the position of Shareholder Director/Non-Independent
    Director in the Company with effect from conclusion of 20th AGM of the Company held on 27th September 2022.

    Further, shareholders of the Company at its 20th Annual General Meeting held on 27th September 2022 had approved
    appointment of Mr. Arvind Kathpalia (DIN: 02630873) as a Shareholder Director/Non-Independent Director on the Board of
    the Company, subject to approval of SEBI. Thereafter, with approval of SEBI vide letter dated 06th December 2022 and
    approval of the Board of Directors Mr. Kathpalia was appointed as Shareholder Director/Non-Independent Director with
    effect from 06th December 2022.

    The Board of Directors places on record their earnest appreciation to the invaluable contribution, leadership and guidance
    extended by Mr. Saurabh Chandra, Ms. Pravin Tripathi, Mr. Bhartendu Kumar Gairola, Mr. Chengalath Jayaram and Mr. Ved
    Prakash Chaturvedi to the Board and the Management of the Company during their association.

    In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Hemang Raja (DIN: 00040769), Shareholder
    Director/Non-Independent Director, who has been longest in office since his appointment, is liable to retire by rotation at
    the ensuing AGM and being eligible, is seeking re-appointment. The Board recommends his re-appointment.

    As Mr. Vivek Krishna Sinha would be superannuating from NABARD in October 2023, the Exchange received a letter dated
    15th June 2023, from NABARD, proposing the candidature of Ms. Suparna Tandon (DIN: 08429718), Chief General Manager,
    NABARD in terms of Section 160 of the Companies Act, 2013, as a Shareholder Director i.e. Non-Independent Director on
    the Board of MCX. Further, the appointment of Ms. Suparna Tandon (DIN: 08429718) as Non-Independent Director was
    recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in its meeting dated 20th July 2023, and approved in the
    Board Meeting dated 29th July 2023. Post approval by the shareholders, the appointment would be subject to approval of
    SEBI. NABARD vide letter dated 19th June 2023, informed that, Mr. Vivek Krishna Sinha shall continue as Shareholder
    Director/Non-Independent Director till the completion of process of appointment of Ms. Suparna Tandon as Shareholder
    Director/Non-Independent Director.


    During the year under review, the tenure of Prof. P S Dhekne as an Independent External Expert in the Standing Committee
    on Technology (SCT) was completed on 11th November 2022 pursuant to SECC Regulations, 2018. In view of the same, Mr.
    Madhusudhan K M was appointed as an Independent External Expert in Standing Committee on Technology with effect
    from 22nd December 2022.

    Further, the tenure of Mr. Suresh Gupta as an Independent External Expert in the Member Core Settlement Guarantee Fund
    Committee (MCSGFC) and Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) was completed on 21st August 2022 and 23rd September
    2022 respectively, pursuant to SECC Regulations 2018. In view of the same, Mr. S. Gopalan was appointed as an
    Independent External Expert in MCSGFC with effect from 22nd August 2022. Thereafter, Mr. S. Gopalan ceased to be an
    Independent External Expert in MCSGFC with effect from 06th February 2023 due to acceptance of full time employment
    elsewhere with effect from 30th January 2023. In view of the same, Mr. S V Krishnamohan was appointed as an Independent
    External Expert in MCSGFC with effect from 21st March 2023.

    Pursuant to cessation of Mr. Suresh Gupta as an Independent External Expert in the ROC, Mr. R Anand was appointed as an
    Independent External Expert in ROC with effect from 30th July 2022.

    The Independent External Experts are appointed for a period of three years, with further extension of three years subject
    to performance evaluation.


    The following employees became KMPs under the SECC Regulations, 2018 during FY 2022-23:

    Sr. No.


    Last working day


    Mr. Sanjay Golecha - Chief Regulatory Officer

    30th June 2022


    Mr. Ajay Puri - Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

    06th December 2022

    Mr. Abhishek Govilkar has been appointed the Vice President - Product Management Team (Agri) of the Company with
    effect from 21st June 2023.

    As Mr. Sanjay Golecha, ceased to be the Chief Regulatory Officer ("CRO") of the Company with effect from 30th June 2022.
    Pending appointment of CRO, Mr. Himanshu Ashar, Vice President, Market Operations & Surveillance & Investigation was
    assigned interim charge of the office of the CRO with effect from 01st July 2022 until further orders.

    Mr. Shashank Sathe, ceased to be the Chief Technology Officer ("CTO") of the Company with effect from 28th April 2023.
    Pending appointment of CTO, Dr. Rajendra Narayanan, Chief Digital Officer was assigned interim charge of CTO portfolio
    w.e.f. 24th April 2023 until further orders.

    Dr. Ajit Phanse ceased to be the Vice President - Inspection and Audit with effect from 02nd May 2023.


    Your Company has formulated a Policy for Performance Evaluation/Review in accordance with the provisions of the
    Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, SECC Regulations 2018, SEBI Circular dated 05th January 2017
    providing guidance to listed entities about various aspects involved in the Board Evaluation process ("SEBI Guidance Note")
    and SEBI circular dated 05th February 2019 on performance review of Public Interest Directors.

    The Policy has been framed with an objective to ensure that Individual Directors of the Company and the Board as a whole,
    work efficiently and effectively, for the benefit of the Company and its stakeholders.

    Your Company has implemented a system of evaluating performance of the Board of Directors, its Committees and
    Individual Directors, through peer evaluation, excluding the Director being evaluated, on the basis of a structured

    The criteria for performance evaluation, inter-alia, includes the following:

    i. Internal Evaluation of Individual Director's Performance

    Level of participation and contribution to the performance of Board/Committee(s) meetings, qualification &
    experience, knowledge and competency, fulfilment and ability to function as a team, initiatives taken, adherence to
    the rules/regulations, having independent views and judgement, providing guidance to senior management and
    Board members, etc.

    ii. External Evaluation of Individual Director's Performance

    Pursuant to SECC Regulations, 2018 read with SEBI circular dated 05th February 2019, the tenure of PIDs may be
    extended by another 3 years, subject to performance evaluation, internal and external, both carrying equal weightage
    Such PIDs shall be subject to:

    iii. Evaluation of the Board as a Whole

    Providing entrepreneurial leadership to the Company, having clear understanding of the Company's core business and
    strategic direction, maintaining contact with management and external stakeholders, ensuring integrity of financial
    controls and systems of risk management, making high quality decisions, monitoring performance of management,
    maintaining high standards of integrity and probity, encouraging transparency, etc.

    iv. Chairman's Performance Evaluation

    Providing effective leadership, setting effective strategic agenda of the Board, encouraging active engagement by the
    Board members, providing guidance and motivation to MD & CEO, impartiality in conducting discussions, establishing
    effective communication with all stakeholders, etc.

    v. Performance Evaluation of Board Committees

    Sufficiency in the scope for addressing the objectives, effectiveness in performing the key responsibilities, adequacy
    in composition and frequency of meetings, quality of relationship of the Committee with the Board and the
    management, clarity of agenda discussed, discussion on critical issues, clarity of role and responsibilities, etc.


    The Company is an affiliate member of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), which is an
    international body that brings together the world's securities regulators and is recognised as the global standard setter for
    the securities sector. The Exchange is ranked world's 5th largest Exchange by the number of commodity Options contracts
    traded in CY 2022, improving from 6th position last year. (Source: FIA Annual Volume trading statistics).

    With an aim to seamlessly integrate with the global commodities ecosystem, MCX has forged strategic alliances with
    leading international exchanges such as CME Group and London Metal Exchange (LME). The Exchange also signed
    Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with renowned global exchanges viz. Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE), Taiwan
    Futures Exchange (TAIFEX), Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE) and European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) to facilitate

    cooperation in areas of sharing knowledge and expertise, education & training, etc. In April '22, MCX signed a consultancy
    agreement with Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) for setting up the first commodity derivatives platform of
    Bangladesh. Under this agreement, MCX shall assist and provide consultancy services in the areas of products, clearing and
    settlement, trading, warehousing, regulatory aspects, etc. The Exchange has also tied-up with various trade bodies,
    industry associations and educational institutions across the country. These partnerships enable the Exchange to improve
    trade practices, increase awareness, and facilitate overall growth and development of the commodity market.

    Product Segment Highlights#


    In pursuit of the Atmanirbhar Bharat mission, your Company has embarked upon the path of recognizing domestic bullion
    refiners for good delivery of Gold on Exchange platform.

    MCX has recorded the delivery of 2116 kg of Indian refined Gold valued at ? 3961 crore via MCX empanelled domestic
    refiners for delivery of Gold under the existing contract specifications of Gold Mini (100 grams) Futures contract during the
    FY 2022-23.

    The Bullion segment attained various landmarks during FY 2022-23:

    The MCX Gold kg Options contract registered an average daily turnover of ? 1572 crore in FY 2022-23 up by 84% from ? 854
    crore in FY 2021-22. It's highest turnover (post LES) of ? 16,713 crore was observed on 24th March 2023.

    After success of Gold Options with Gold (1 kg) Futures as underlying contract, MCX launched Gold Mini Options with Gold
    Mini (100 gram) Futures as underlying on 25th April 2022.

    The average daily turnover of Gold Mini Options with Gold Mini (100 gram) Futures as underlying during FY 2022-23 was ?
    132 crore.

    Gold Mini Options with Gold Mini (100 gram) Futures as underlying recorded the highest volume and turnover of 1290 kg
    and ? 760 crore respectively on 27th March 2023 and recorded the highest open interest of 836 kg on 09th February 2023
    during the FY 2022-23.

    Similarly, MCX Silver Options contract registered an average daily turnover of ? 355 crore in FY 2022-23 up by 163% from ?
    135 crore in FY 2021-22.

    Further, the average daily turnover of Silver Mini Options with Silver Mini (5 kg) Futures as underlying during FY 2022-23
    was ? 62 crore. The contract recorded it's highest volume and turnover of 58 MT and ? 386.45 crore respectively on 13th
    March 2023 and recorded the highest open interest of 35 MT on 31st March 2023.

    Continued success of new product design in Bullion:

    Gold Petal Futures contract has seen delivery of 76.145 kg (76145 coins) since its launch in October 2019 till 31st March 2023.

    Similarly, Silver (1kg) Micro contract has seen successful delivery of 97503 kg from February 2020 series onwards till 31st
    March 2023 and Silver Mini (5 Kg) has seen successful delivery of 110160 kg from June 2020 series onwards till 31st March

    A product profile for Bullion has been hosted on the website of the Company to help investors understand the physical
    market dynamics which influence the trading on the Exchange.


    The world witnessed strained global energy supply chains at the start of the Financial Year, which was triggered by war
    between Russia and Ukraine. Energy markets and countries' policies for addressing market and trade vulnerabilities
    observed a major transition. Russia's curtailment of natural gas to Europe and sanctions on imports of oil and gas from
    Russia, created an intense change of focus in the overall international energy landscape.

    The global energy crisis had implications on all countries, which led them to review their energy requirements and energy
    mix to achieve energy security and self-sufficiency. Global economic uncertainty continued to be high and downside risks
    became predominant, as most Asian and European countries were struggling to fight inflation effectively, despite
    continued monetary tightening by central banks.

    With global geopolitical and economic uncertainties intensifying, especially global inflation, the crucial role that oil & gas
    industry plays in the global economy and national security, was only reinforced. Infact, the global energy trade also
    witnessed changes in the commercial terms in the form of replacement of dollar denominated transactions with other

    On domestic front, India continued to be the third-largest consumer of crude oil in the world as of 2022. However, the
    domestic oil imports saw a surge in Russian crude oil grade replacing most of OPEC origin grades that led to a reduction in
    India's export bills. Further petroleum products were also the most exported commodities from India to various other
    countries, amounting to around $86 billion during FY 23 (April 2022 to February 2023). The oil & gas sector is among the
    eight core industries in India and also is closely linked to policies and fundamental dynamics of other economic sectors.

    MCX Energy Contracts Overview

    With our vision of catering to wider value chain participants in the energy complex, the Exchange launched mini futures
    contracts, both crude oil and natural gas. The crude oil mini futures were launched on 03rd March 2023 and natural gas mini
    futures on 14th March 2023.

    Both the contracts garnered good interest and wide acceptance by market participants, clocking an Average Daily
    Turnover (ADT) of ?191 Crores (since its launch till 31st March 2023) in crude oil and an ADT of ?37 Crores (since its launch
    till 31st March 2023) in natural gas.

    The MCX Crude oil futures contracts registered an ADT of ? 3,516 Crores in FY 2022-23. The MCX Natural gas futures
    contracts registered an average daily turnover of ? 5,108 Crores in FY 2022-23, up by 6% from ?4,811 crores in FY 2021-22.

    Phenomenal success has been witnessed in the options contracts. MCX Crude oil options registered an ADT of ?25,787
    crores during FY 2022-23, compared to an ADT of ?6,590 crores during 2021-22, marking a remarkable increase of 291%.
    Infact the Crude oil options contracts set a benchmark by registering highest turnover of ?1,24,952 crores on 15th March

    On similar lines, the MCX Natural gas options also saw incredible growth of 411%, after it clocked an ADT of ?5,963 crores
    during FY 2022-23, as compared to ?1,168 crores in FY 2021-22. MCX Natural Gas Options contract registered its highest
    turnover of ?25,283 crores on 22nd November 2022.

    In addition to this, the Exchange has launched Mini Contracts (Smaller denomination contracts) to bring back the lost retail

    participation. Keeping intact the alignment of Trading unit and Delivery unit, 1 MT contracts of Aluminium, Lead and Zinc
    were launched during the FY 2022-23.

    Index Futures

    The ADT during FY 2022-23 for index futures was ? 88 crore. The debacle of Nickel futures at London Metal Exchange had
    adversely affected the MCX Nickel futures contract and consequently the MCX METLDEX® futures contracts. Applicability
    of pre-expiry margins in ENRGDEX® futures also dented the performance of the contract. The Exchange has removed Nickel
    futures contract from the index computation and is reaching out to market participants to solicit their participation for
    revival of the contract. While, SEBI has issued the regulatory framework for Options on commodity indices on 24th March
    2022, the exchange shall consider launching the same post go-live of its new technology platform.

    Market Participants

    As on 31st March 2023, the Company has a national reach with 548 members, having 50,228 Authorised Persons, operating
    through several terminals connected through various available modes of connectivity (including Computer to Computer
    Link (CTCL), Internet Based Trading and Wireless Trading) across 700 cities/towns across India. The unique traded client
    codes (UCC - PAN based1) which are of significant importance to Exchange, witnessed a rise from 4.7 lakh in FY 2021-22 to
    6.22 lakh in FY 2022-23.

    On the Institutional front, three Mutual Funds with four new schemes were registered for participation in FY 2022-23. More
    over, five new Alternative Investment Funds and 2 PMS schemes were also on boarded during the said period. Additionally,
    one more custodian received SEBI approval for commodity custodial services, taking total number of commodity segment
    custodians to five in the ETCD space. In FY 2022-23, in the PCM category one more bank also received approval to function
    as clearing member. In September 2022, SEBI issued guidelines allowing Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to participate in
    cash settled non-agricultural commodity derivative contracts and indices. Accordingly, the exchange has issued a circular
    paving the participation of FPIs.


    During the year under review, SEBI, has issued master circulars on PMLA guidelines, Stock brokers and Surveillance of
    securities market. In order to strengthen investors' confidence in the securities market, SEBI has issued various circulars for
    the benefit the investors at large, viz., strengthening of the Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism, streamline the
    process of handling of unpaid securities by TM/CM, framework to address the Technical Glitches occurred in the trading
    systems of the stockbrokers, information to be displayed by stockbrokers on website, advisory on Cybersecurity best
    practices by Regulated Entities, enhanced obligations and responsibilities on Qualified Stock Brokers (QSBs) and
    settlement of running account of client's funds lying with Trading Member (TM).

    In line with the above guidelines, the Regulator has issued guidelines informing the investors to prevent usage of
    unregulated platforms (services and strategies marketed by higher return claims on investment) offering algorithmic
    strategies for trading by stock broker. Further, after considering the non-participation by EFEs in ETCDs for more than three
    years since the EFE framework came into force, SEBI has notified that the existing EFE route be discontinued and foreign
    investors to participate in Indian ETCDs through the FPI route, subject to certain conditions.

    SEBI has issued circular and acceded representation made by Stock Exchange to launch multiple contracts on same

    The important regulatory developments during FY 2022-23, primarily by SEBI, are as hereunder:

    April 2022

    I. SEBI has issued additional guidelines in pursuance of amendment to SEBI KYC Registration Agency (KRA)
    Regulations, 2011. Further, validation of all KYC records (New and Existing) shall commence from 01st July 2022.

    II. SEBI has issued the risk management framework applicable to the Electronic Gold Receipt (EGR) segment on
    the recognized Stock Exchange/s.

    I. Mils are required to conduct System and Network Audit as per the framework. This is applicable for the audit to
    be conducted by the MIIs for FY 2021-22 onwards.

    II. Issued changes to the Framework to enable Verification of Upfront Collection of Margins from Clients in Cash
    and Derivatives segments. It has been decided that the margin requirements to be considered for the intra-day
    snapshots, in derivatives segments (including commodity derivatives), shall be calculated based on the fixed
    Beginning of Day (BOD) margin parameters.

    III. Modified the Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience framework of Stock Exchanges, Clearing Corporations and
    Depositories in partial modification to Annexure A of SEBI circular dated 06th July 2015, to the paragraph-
    11,40, 41 and 42.

    • All the ancillary systems used for accessing/communicating with critical systems either for operations or
    maintenance should also be classified as critical system. The Board of the MII shall approve the list of
    critical systems.

    • MIIs should conduct VAPT at least once in a financial year. However, for the MIIs, whose systems have been
    identified as "protected system" by National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC), VAPT
    shall be conducted at least twice in a financial year. Any gaps/vulnerabilities detected shall be remedied on
    immediate basis.

    • MIIs should also perform vulnerability scanning and conduct penetration testing prior to the commissioning of
    a new system which is a critical system or part of an existing critical system.

    • Further, MIIs are mandated to conduct comprehensive cyber audit at least 2 times in a financial year.

    IV. Decided to modify clause 4.25 of SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DPIEA/CIR/P/2020/115 dated 01st July 2020
    in order to provide equitable distribution of funds amongst investors.

    June 2022

    I. SEBI has issued circular to further strengthen the Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism. SEBI has amended
    Clause No. 4 (a) and (b) for Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOC/CIR/P/2020/226 dated 6th November 2020.

    • Clause 4(a) - For any dispute between the member and the client relating to or arising out of the transactions in
    Stock Exchange, which is of civil nature, the complainant/ member shall first refer the complaint to the IGRC and/
    or to arbitration mechanism provided by the Stock Exchange before resorting to other remedies available under
    any other law. For the removal of doubts, it is clarified that the sole arbitrator or the panel of arbitrators, as the
    case may be, appointed under the Stock Exchange arbitration mechanism may consider any claim relating to any
    dispute between a stock broker and client arising out of the transactions in stock exchange, as per law, and shall
    always be deemed to have the competence to rule on its jurisdiction. A complainant/member, who is not
    satisfied with the recommendation of the IGRC shall avail the arbitration mechanism of the Stock Exchange for
    settlement of complaints within three months from the date of IGRC recommendation.

    • Clause 4(b) - The time period of three months mentioned in the previous sub-clause for filing arbitration shall
    be applicable only for the cases where the IGRC recommendation is being challenged. For any arbitration
    application received without going through IGRC mechanism, the above time period of three months shall not
    apply, and for such cases the limitation period for filing arbitration shall be governed by the law of limitation, i.e.,
    The Limitation Act, 1963.

    II. SEBI has issued circular in partial modification to Annexure -1 of its circular dated 03rd December 2018 on
    Cyber Security and Cyber resilience framework for Stock Brokers / Depository Participants for the paragraph-
    11,41,42 and 44. 1

    • Stock Brokers / Depository Participants shall conduct VAPT at least once in a financial year. Any gaps/
    vulnerabilities detected shall be remedied on immediate basis.

    • Further, the Stock Brokers / Depository Participants are mandated to conduct comprehensive cyber audit at
    least once in a financial year

    III. SEBI has issued Circular on Naming / Tagging of demat accounts maintained by Stock Brokers which states the
    stock brokers are required to maintain demat accounts only under the 5 categories proposed by SEBI.

    S. No.

    Demat Account Category

    Purpose of Demat Account


    Proprietary Account

    Hold Own Securities


    Pool account

    Settlement Purpose


    Client Unpaid Securities Account

    Hold Unpaid Securities of Clients


    Client Securities Margin Pledge Account

    For Margin obligations to be given by way of
    Pledge / Re-pledge


    Client Securities under Margin Funding Account

    Hold funded securities in respect of margin funding

    V. SEBI has issued circular on Implementation of 'Execution of 'Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction' (DDPI) for
    transfer of securities towards deliveries / settlement obligations and pledging / re-pledging of securities'. In view
    of the representation received from Depositories and that the changes to the systems are still under process,
    SEBI has extended the implementation date of the aforesaid circular to 01st September 2022.

    VI. SEBI has issued Circular for Modification in Cyber Security and Cyber resilience framework for Stock Brokers /
    Depository Participants, which is in partial modification to SEBI circular dated 03rd December 2018 that all
    Cyber-attacks, threats, cyber-incidents and breaches experienced by Stock Brokers / Depositories Participants
    shall be reported to Stock Exchanges / Depositories & also the said information shall be shared to SEBI through
    the dedicated e-mail id:

    July 2022

    I. SEBI has issued circular to further strengthen the Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism. SEBI has mandate
    Stock Exchange including Commodity Derivatives Exchanges/Depositories to develop online web based
    complaints redressal system of their own in line with SEBI SCORES platform which in turn enable investors to
    lodge, follow up and track the status of the redressal of complaints at any point of time.

    II. The GST Council has withdrawn exemption granted to services by SEBI and the same has been notified on 13th
    July 2022. Accordingly, the applicability of fees and other charges payable to SEBI shall be subject to GST at the
    rate of 18% with effect from 18th July 2022.

    III. Department of Revenue-Ministry of Finance, Government of India, has notified 155 reporting entities as
    sub-KUA to use Aadhaar authentication services of UIDAI under Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002.

    IV. SEBI has considered the KRA's request for extension of the timeline for applicability of the said clauses 9 and 13
    of SEBI circular on Guidelines in pursuance of amendment to SEBI KYC Registration Agency (KRA) Regulations,
    2011, it has been decided that:

    • KYC records of all existing clients (who have used Aadhaar as an OVD) shall be validated within a period of 180
    days from 01st November 2022.

    • The validation of all KYC records (new and existing) shall commence from 01st November 2022.

    V. To avoid misuse of client's funds lying with Trading Member and to maintain efficacy while dealing in clients
    funds, SEBI has strengthened the norms on Settlement of Running Account of Client's Funds lying with Trading
    Member (TM). SEBI has prescribed the requirement of settlement of running account of funds of the client shall
    be done by the TM after considering the End of the day (EOD) obligation of funds as on the date of settlement
    across all the Exchanges.

    I. SEBI has issued a circular to create awareness among registered entities of new cyber security risks and
    challenges associated with cloud computing services. This cloud framework has been put in place to provide
    baseline standards of security and for the legal and regulatory compliances by the RE. The major purpose of this
    framework is to highlight the key risks, and mandatory control measures which REs need to put in place before
    adopting cloud computing.

    II. SEBI has issued a master circular on Surveillance of Securities Market. In order to ensure availability of
    consolidated information contained in all the circulars pertaining to surveillance of securities market at one
    place, the provisions of the relevant circulars have been consolidated in this Master Circular.

    III. Extension in timeline for providing choice of nomination details for all existing eligible trading and demat
    account holders, with regard to freezing of accounts shall come into force with effect from 30th September 2023,
    instead of 31st March 2023.

    April 2023

    I. SEBI has issued circular addressing stockbrokers, clearing members through stock exchange to wound down the
    bank guarantee created out of client's fund by 30th September 2023. Further, no new bank guarantee shall be
    created by stockbrokers, clearing members from 01st May 2023. Pursuant to discussion with various stakeholders
    and in order to safeguard the interest of investors, pledging client's funds which in turn issue Bank Guarantees
    (BGs) is strictly debarred by SEBI.

    II. The Government of India, Ministry of Finance has issued an order detailing the procedure for implementation of
    Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities)
    Act, 2005 ("WMD Act"), in consonance with order issued by Ministry of Finance (MOF), SEBI has issued circular
    directing to comply with the procedure laid down in the said Order.

    May 2023

    I. SEBI directed MIIs to devise testing framework of all their IT systems for uninterrupted functioning of the
    securities market.

    II. SEBI has allowed stock exchanges to extend DMA facility to FPIs for participation in ETCDs subject to the
    conditions stipulated in the circular.

    III. In order to enable the users to have access to the provisions of the applicable circulars at one place, SEBI has
    issued master circular for stock brokers for necessary compliances.

    IV. Clearing corporation in Commodity Derivatives Segment may now align their core SGF in terms of SEBI circulars
    dated 27th August 2014 as well as 11th July 2018 and excess contribution, if any, may be returned to the
    contributing stakeholders on a pro-rata basis, after taking due approval from SEBI.

    June 2023

    I. In view to safeguard clients' funds placed with SBs/CMs, it has been decided to require the upstreaming of all
    client funds received by SBs/CMs to the Clearing Corporations (CCs). As per the framework, no clients' funds shall
    be retained by SBs/ CMs on End of Day (EoD) basis. The clients' funds shall all be upstreamed by SB/ CMs to CCs
    only in the form of either cash, lien on FDR (subject to certain conditions enumerated), or pledge of units of
    Mutual Fund Overnight Schemes (MFOS).

    II. SEBI has issued Circular on amendment to Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards and
    Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) /Obligations of Securities Market Intermediaries under the
    Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002 and Rules framed there under

    III. SEBI has issued Circular on trading preferences by clients with formats, which clients would need to provide while
    opening a trading account with a stock broker. The provisions of this circular shall come into force with effect
    from 01st August 2023.

    SECC Regulations amendment on 28th February 2023.

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide Gazette Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2023/124 dated

    28th February 2023 has amended Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations)

    Regulations, 2018 which shall come into force on 28th August 2023.


    Your Company has put in place an Enterprise Risk Management ("ERM") framework to enable and support achievement of
    business objectives through identification, evaluation, mitigation and monitoring of risks applicable to your Company.

    Your Company has a comprehensive Risk Management Policy for managing risks such as Financial, Operational,
    Technology, Sectoral, Sustainability (particularly Environmental, Social and Governance related risks), Regulatory and
    Compliance, Business, Credit, Market, People, Legal, Reputational, Subsidiary Risks and Black Swan events related risks.

    The Company has a Risk Management Committee (RMC), which is constituted by Board of Directors for, inter-alia,
    identification, measurement and monitoring the risk profile of the Exchange. As on 31st March 2023, the RMC comprised of
    three Public Interest Directors and an Independent External Expert. RMC periodically reviews the Risk Management Policy
    and its implementation thereon, along with the comprehensive Risk Register. The Committee also periodically examines
    and evaluates the Risk Management Information Systems (RMIS) covering the existing as well as emerging risks. The risks
    pertaining to internal controls over financial reporting is reviewed by the Audit Committee. The Chief Risk Officer reviews
    the Internal Audit Report(s) and suggests measures to improve the controls.

    The matters relating to mitigation of risks in Technology, Information and Cyber Security, Business Continuity and Disaster
    Recovery is overseen by the Standing Committee on Technology.

    For details relating to 'Risks and Concerns' of your Company please refer the Management Discussion and Analysis section
    forming part of this Annual Report.


    Your Company has set up Multi Commodity Exchange Investor Protection Fund (IPF), to protect and safeguard the interest
    of investors/clients, with respect to eligible/legitimate claims arising out of default of a member on the Exchange. The
    interest income received on investment of surplus funds of IPF is used for imparting investor/client education, awareness,
    undertaking research activities or such other programs as may be specified by SEBI from time-to-time.

    Currently, the applicable IPF compensation limit is ? 25 lakhs per client, with no member-wise limit for SEBI-registered
    members declared defaulter on or after 24th January 2018. Further, the limits of ? 2 lakhs per investor per defaulter member
    and ? 200 lakhs per defaulter member shall continue to be applicable for claims against members, declared defaulter prior
    to 24th January 2018 and for non-SEBI registered members. As on 31st March 2023, the corpus of IPF (provisional) stood at ?
    21,961.50 Lakhs

    Your Company has also set up an Investor Service Fund (ISF) for providing, inter-alia basic minimum facilities at various
    Investor Service Centres. The Company has set up 10 (Ten) Investor Service Centres across India till date. SEBI has permitted
    the Exchanges to utilize the corpus of ISF for conducting various investor education and awareness programs, capacity
    building programs and maintenance of all price ticker boards installed by the Exchanges, cost of training of arbitrators and
    grievance redressal committee members, etc. In addition to above, the corpus may be utilized in any other manner as
    prescribed/permitted by SEBI in the interest of investors from time-to-time.

    Your Company has transferred 1% of the turnover fees charged from its members on a monthly basis to ISF. As on 31st March
    2023, the corpus of ISF stood at ? 988.66 lakhs.

    In order to enhance literacy and to promote investor education and awareness in the commodity derivatives market, 1078
    awareness programs (seminars/webinars) were conducted under the banner of ISF in FY 2022-23. Out of these
    programs/webinars, over 61 programs were regional seminars/webinars conducted jointly with SEBI. In FY 2022-23, the
    Exchange has conducted awareness programs across India, for investors, students, FPOs, hedgers, physical market
    participants/stakeholders, micro small and medium enterprises (MSME's), corporates, etc. from the bullion industry, metal
    industries, energy markets and agricultural sector including farmers, farmer producer organisations (FPO's).

    Some major awareness initiatives in FY 2022-23 undertaken were as follows:

    i. World Investor Week (WIW) was celebrated from 10th October 2022 - 16th October 2022 throughout India under
    the aegis of SEBI & IOSCO.

    • Total 88 awareness programs were conducted across India during WIW, which had over 4500 participants.

    • Total 367 participants took part in various contests in WIW 2022. Out of 367 participants, 292 participants took
    part in the Quiz contest, 75 participated in the crossword contest.

    • Successfully carried out Commodity Caravan, which toured in different locations of Maharashtra. The Commodity
    Caravan began on 10th October, 2022 from Mumbai and Completed its journey on 16th October, 2022.

    • On the last day i.e. on 16th October 2022, the Commodity Walkathon was conducted under MCX IPF. The Walkathon
    emphasized that just as we care for our health we should also care for our Investments. Exercising caution while
    investing & trading is the need of an hour for investors.

    ii. Awareness programs across commodities were conducted with several prominent Institutes, State and National
    Universities, Trade Associations and Chambers of Commerce under the aegis of ISF.

    Awareness through Media channels:

    The objective of MCX IPF is to spread mass awareness and educate commodity market stakeholders. During FY 2022-23, a
    number of investor awareness activities were carried out in partnership with various media across digital, electronic and
    print modes.

    Various investor awareness media activities carried out during FY 22-23:

    • 'A Monk Who Trades' Investor Awareness Comic Series was published in newspapers.

    • Short Investor Awareness Videos were played on TV channels, were run as YouTube ads, were run across various
    websites & languages.

    • Investor Awareness messages were broadcast on radio stations in regional languages.

    • Investor Awareness Camps were conducted on-ground across India and aired on TV channels.

    • Special investor awareness activities were carried out during the World Investor Week 2022.

    • Investor Awareness Ads were displayed at airports and were run on various social media platforms.

    • Quiz cards are posted everyday on social media.

    The 'Monk Who Trades' is a flagship series of MCX IPF created to spread investor awareness among investors. The Monk Who
    Trades comic series was also translated into vernacular languages for a wider reach across print and digital platforms.
    Further, these were also developed into animated videos with voice overs and uploaded on the MCX website.

    Other Initiatives:

    • MCX IPF successfully organized the 5th edition of 'MCX-IPF COMQUEST' - 2023, its premier, National-level
    Commodity Market Educational Quiz for students. This year, more than 6500 individual students, from across
    India participated in the competition, making it the largest number amongst all previously held editions.

    • The Commodity Insights Yearbook 2022: - a collection of useful educational resources on commodity markets-
    was launched last year during World Investor Week (WIW) in collaboration with the National Institute of Securities
    Markets (NISM)

    • Training sessions for GRC Members & Arbitrators along with NCDEX and NISM were organized on 23rd February
    2023 & 09th March 2023 respectively.


    Your Company continues to reach out to various academic institutions to enhance knowledge about commodity
    derivatives, commodity eco-system and role of exchange traded derivatives market in facilitating derivatives trading for
    price risk management and price discovery.

    To achieve the said objectives, your Company during FY 2022-23:

    i. Facilitated 635 registrations for the MCX Certified Commodity Professional (MCCP), MCX Certified Index
    Professional (MCIP) MCX Certified Commodity Options Professional (MCOP) examination;

    ii. Launched Joint Certification Programmes (JCP) with various academic institutions;

    iii. Conducted customized training programmes & awareness sessions on workings & operations of a commodity
    exchange & related ecosystem for staff, regulators, members & bankers in association with Chittagong
    Commodity Exchange (CSE) to assist them in gaining knowledge to set up a commodity exchange in Bangladesh
    at CSE.

    iv. Conducted several awareness programmes on multiple aspects of commodity derivatives for over 40 B-Schools,
    Colleges, academic bodies, etc.

    v. Successfully concluded the Vth edition of MCX-IPF COMQUEST All India commodity quiz which saw a record
    number of participation from both the academic institutions and their students.


    Consequent to the transfer of clearing and settlement division of the Exchange to Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing
    Corporation Ltd. (MCXCCL) w.e.f. 01st September 2018, physical deliveries of the commodities traded on the Exchange
    platform are effected through MCXCCL.

    MCXCCL ensures that the members of MCX and their constituents are provided with warehousing arrangements and
    associated facilities like testing etc. Those willing to store goods and give delivery on the Exchange platform get these
    facilities for commodities traded on MCX in Bullion, Metals and Agricultural segments. To facilitate this, MCXCCL verifies
    and accredits warehouses and vaults across various delivery centres. It operates only with electronic receipts of goods
    stored in MCXCCL accredited warehouses/vaults on a highly efficient digital platform. In order to keep a check on
    compliance, correct the deficiencies and enhance market confidence, MCXCCL has an elaborate warehouse and vault
    inspection activity in place.

    MCXCCL has a wide network of warehouses/vaults for delivery of commodities traded on MCX platform. This provides
    confidence to members to trade on MCX. As on 31st March 2023, MCXCCL has entered into agreements with six Warehouse
    Service Provider (WSPs) for facilitating physical deliveries in agricultural commodities and base metals. As on at 31st March
    2023, MCXCCL is operating from 33 accredited warehouses of which 18 warehouses are registered with Warehousing
    Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA). The remaining 15 warehouses for metals do not require WDRA

    Further, MCXCCL has entered into agreements with 4 Vault Service Provider (VSPs) for facilitating physical deliveries in
    bullion. There are 25 accredited vaults of these agencies located at different delivery centres.


    Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited (MCXCCL)

    MCXCCL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of your Company, was set up as a separate clearing house for providing Clearing and
    Settlement services to the Company. MCXCCL performs risk management of the trades executed, collects margin from the
    members, effects pay-in and pay-out and oversees delivery and settlement processes. SEBI has granted renewal of
    recognition to MCXCCL for a period of three years commencing from 31st July 2019 and ending on 31st July 2022. SEBI vide
    its letter dated 19th May 2022, granted renewal of recognition to MCXCCL, to act as a Clearing Corporation for a period of
    further three years commencing on 31st July 2022 and ending on 30th July 2025, subject to complying with all rules,
    regulations, guidelines and other instructions as may be issued by SEBI from time to time.

    Risk management being an important function for a clearing corporation, MCXCCL has a well-defined Risk Management
    Framework and Risk Management Policy in place. This works at various levels across the enterprise to form a strategic
    defence cover for the company. MCXCCL has constituted a Risk Management Committee, which periodically monitors and
    reviews Risk Management plan and the implementation of SEBI norms on Risk Management and recommends to the Board
    any modifications to the Risk Management Policy.

    MCXCCL is recognized as a Qualifying Central Counterparty (QCCP) by SEBI. This enables the participants to apply lower risk
    weightage towards their exposures to MCXCCL as per Basel II capital adequacy framework. It has membership of CCP12,
    the renowned global association of Central Counterparties and membership of Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository
    Group (ACG).

    During the year under review, there was no change in the Authorized, Issued and Paid-up Share Capital of MCXCCL. As on
    31st March 2023, Authorized Share Capital of MCXCCL stood at ? 30,000 lakh and issued and paid-up share capital stood at
    ? 23,999 lakh. The net worth as at 31st March 2023 was ? 44,164 lakh.

    Core Settlement Guarantee Fund (Core SGF)

    SEBI vide circular no. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/2018/111 dated 11th July 2018, issued norms related to computation of
    SGF requirement and standardized stress testing for credit risk in commodity derivatives. The total Core SGF as on 31st
    March 2023 stood at ? 58,976 lakh, of which ? 11,115 lakh has been contributed by MCX, ? 32,217 lakh has been
    contributed by MCXCCL and ? 15,644 lakh has accrued from penalties, interest and other accruals.


    CDSL Commodity Repository Limited (CCRL)

    Your Company entered into a Shares Sale/Purchase and Shareholders Agreement with Central Depository Services Limited
    (CDSL) and CDSL Commodity Repository Ltd. (CCRL) effective 18th May 2018, for setting up and operationalization of a new
    repository under the Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2007. Pursuant to Section 2(6) of the Companies
    Act, 2013, CCRL became an associate company of MCX w.e.f. 04th June 2018, consequent to investment of ? 1,200 lakh
    comprising of 12,000,000 equity shares of ? 10 each, equivalent to 24% stake in CCRL.

    India International Bullion Holding IFSC Ltd. (IIBH)

    MCX, National Stock Exchange of India, National Securities Depository Limited, Central Depository Services Limited and
    BSE's subsidiaries India INX International Exchange and India International Clearing Corporation have joined hands for
    setting up of Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) comprising of International Bullion Exchange, Clearing Corporation
    and Depository Company at Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) via a Holding Company i.e. India International
    Bullion Holding IFSC Limited (IIBH), as per the Regulations issued by International Financial Services Authority (IFSCA).

    This move is in line with the government's objective to make India a price-setter in bullion trade through GIFT International
    Finance Service Centre. It will help in efficient price discovery in domestic market given the fact that India is the second

    largest consumer of Gold. The Exchange would present an opportunity for all stakeholders including MCX to expand their
    scope of business.

    Accordingly, MCX, along with all other consortium partners, contributed ? 3,000 lakh each comprising of 30,00,00,000
    equity shares of ? 1 each equivalent to 20% stake in IIBH as on 31st March, 2023.

    The Hon'ble Prime Minister Prime Minister inaugurated the operations of the said Company in July, 2022. A total of 705 kg
    of gold has been traded on the Exchange, out of which 702 kg has been imported into the country by 'Qualified Jewellers'.
    Further, 161.2 kg is imported under the India-UAE CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) Tariff Rate
    Quota (TRQ).

    During the year under review, there were no companies which have become or have ceased to be the joint venture of your

    Further, the Managing Director & CEO of your Company does not receive any remuneration or commission from its

    A report on the performance and financial position/salient features of the subsidiary and associate companies as per the
    Companies Act, 2013 is provided as
    Annexure I.

    In accordance with Section 136(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, the financial statements including consolidated financial
    statements and all other documents required to be attached thereto and audited annual accounts of MCXCCL, the
    subsidiary company, are available on our website at the weblink


    Management Discussion and Analysis Statement, as stipulated under the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, forms a part of this
    Annual Report.


    Your Company continues its journey of delivering value to all its stakeholders through investments in quality programs.
    Your Company has been enabling excellence in product and service delivery through compliance of robust processes,
    quality management system, customer centricity and risk mitigation. Your Company has adopted several external
    benchmarks and certifications to validate the processes and controls implemented across the Exchange.

    Your Company resolves to maintain its pre-eminent position in the Commodity space, hence is proactively investing
    towards building robust and scalable platform like Commodity Derivatives Platform to support its future business growth
    and regulatory compliance.

    Despite the FY 2022-23 being full of unprecedented challenges, your Company was successful in upholding its
    commitment towards compliance with and adherence to international best practices as laid out in ISO standards such as
    ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System), ISO 22301:2019 (Business Continuity Management Systems)
    & ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems). Your Company successfully re-certified on all aforementioned standards.
    As a part of its commitment to our subscribers, trading members, and the partner ecosystem, your Company also
    undertook proactive audits to strengthen its core processes, cyber security posture and adherence to regulator guidelines,
    as they came into effect. Your Company is happy to report that despite issues posed by the pandemic, the organisation has
    successfully evolved to adapt to the new-normal, and that all security incidents were contained to have a zero effect on the
    trading platform, or systems of our subscribers and trading partners.

    It is the constant endeavour of your Company to hire and retain the top talent. The Company has invested in senior
    leadership resources and also strengthened the middle management layer.


    Your Company regularly undertakes research for developing new products against the backdrop of evolving market needs,
    changing policy and regulatory landscape and global best practices. Following research in market demand and after
    receiving regulatory approvals, your Company launched mini contracts in Base Metals (Aluminium, Zinc and Lead), Crude
    Oil and Natural Gas, as well as Options on Gold Mini during the year FY 2022-23. Such product-based research were carried
    out on other commodities and variants of existing derivative contracts, on which the Exchange shall launch products at
    opportune times and after receiving due regulatory approvals.

    In accordance with SEBI guidelines on utilisation of IPF interest income on research activities, your Company undertook
    four research studies during the year FY2022-23 on various themes connected to commodity derivatives market. The
    studies were
    'Suspension of Commodity Derivative Contracts and Impact on Price Discovery undertaken by IIM Ahmedabad;
    'Regulatory Landscape in Equity Derivatives versus Commodity Derivatives Markets in India’, undertaken by IIM Lucknow;

    ‘Facilitating institutional participation in India's commodity derivatives market’; undertaken by IIM Jammu and ‘Evaluating
    Risk Management Tools in Indian Commodity Derivatives Market, undertaken by Acies Consulting. The reports of the
    studies have been widely publicised through the Exchange's website and social media accounts. Besides, the findings of
    the studies are also being disseminated through articles published in the print media and also awareness events.

    Further, two research studies have been initiated during the FY 2023-24, which include ‘Analyzing Costs and Benefits of
    Flexibility in Contract Design on Development of Commodity Derivatives Market, being undertaken by NIT Rourkela and
    ‘Hedging of Price Risks in Base Metals, being undertaken by ICFAI Business School.

    To spread awareness and promote research in commodity markets and its ecosystem, the 'CommodityInsights Yearbook
    was published during the FY 2022-23 in partnership with the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), an
    institution established by SEBI. The same was released by Mr. G.P. Garg, Executive Director, SEBI, at an event held to mark
    World Investor Week 2022. This annual publication aims at dissemination of comprehensive knowledge on the commodity
    market ecosystem for the benefit of all stakeholders including market participants, financial institutions, policymakers,
    analysts, producers, traders, consumers, industry observers, academicians, etc. The 2022 edition of the Yearbook focussed
    on the Energy segment. Like in earlier years, the Yearbook, together with relevant data in user-friendly spreadsheets, was
    made available for free download on the Exchange's website to ensure maximum dissemination. Copies of the Yearbook
    were also widely circulated among academicians, libraries, and other stakeholders mentioned above.


    Your Company has very low impact on environment. Your Company is governed by effective Environmental Policy, and it
    always strives to ensure that any of its activity has a low or no impact on the Environment. It uses the resources such as
    electricity in an effective manner and follow strict schedule in all its operations. All the equipment's have long usable life to
    reduce waste generation. Your Company creates adequate awareness amongst its employees and vendors to adopt
    environmental conservation practices as an ongoing basis in all their processes. Your Company has environmental impact
    plan and accordingly checks and monitors the harmful effects to the environment.

    Your Company has E-waste policy for safe disposal of E-waste through approved e-recyclers in eco-friendly manner. Your
    Company has adopted many conservation measures such as tap aerators, rainwater harvesting, cold fogging and password
    enabled printers to reduce wastage and other harmful effects to the environment.

    Your Company monitors environmental pollution through stack emission monitoring, Noise Pollution test, Indoor air
    quality and ambient air quality.


    The Company has constituted a CSR Committee in accordance with Section 135 of the Act.

    Embedded in the vision and mission of your Company, CSR has always been considered as an opportunity to serve the
    nation and to bring a perceptible change in the lives of the people. Focused on the community priorities, your Company
    regularly aligns its strategy, by constantly expanding its CSR outreach for the inclusive growth and development of the
    society. The Company has been an active citizen and proactively working on causes of nation building.

    The CSR allocation for FY 2022-23 was ? 300 lakhs. Your Company has made specific allocations towards:

    - Support to improve the medical and infrastructure facilities for children affected with Multiple Disabilities and
    Vision Impairment (MDVI) as well as support customized learning needs program of the MDVI children.

    - Support to provide free transportation facility to the Mentally Retarded children who reside in the rural areas

    - Support to improve the infrastructure and supply of medical equipment's to Hospital which focus in providing
    medical facilities to persons from disadvantaged background.

    The interventions during the year epitomize the conviction of your Company to serve and empower the needy
    communities and to contribute towards the development of the nation. Going forward, your Company aims to further
    strengthen its initiatives and continue to serve the society at large.

    The brief of the CSR activities undertaken during the year have been provided in the Annual Report on CSR activities
    forming part of this Report as
    Annexure II.

    The CSR Policy formulated in accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 (as amended from time to time), guides the
    Company's CSR approach to sub serve the well-being of the society at large. The CSR Policy and initiatives adopted by the
    Company on CSR are available at the web link


    The Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) of the Company for the Financial Year 2022-23, as required
    under Regulation 34(2)(f) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, is a part of this Annual Report and also available on the
    website of the Company at The BRSR provides insights on the initiatives taken by the Company from
    an environmental, social and governance perspective. The Company regularly carries out several initiatives that contribute
    to the sustainability and well-being of the environment and the communities in which it operates. The Company also
    recognises the importance of sustainability and is committed to conserve the ecological integrity of its locations through
    responsible business practices. Sustainability is thus a core agenda for the Company.


    Your Company adheres to high ethical standards to ensure integrity, transparency, independence and accountability in
    dealing with all stakeholders. Accordingly, your Company has adopted various codes and policies to carry out the duties in
    an ethical manner. Some of these codes/policies framed and implemented by your Company are the Code of Conduct and
    Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosures of
    Unpublished Price Sensitive Information, Whistle Blower Policy/Vigil Mechanism, Policy on Related Party Transactions,
    Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries, Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Risk Management Policy, Nomination
    and Remuneration Policy, Policy for Appointment of Independent External Persons on Committees of the Board, Board
    Diversity Policy, etc.


    There are various Board constituted Committees as stipulated under the Act and SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 namely
    Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Risk Management
    Committee and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. Brief details pertaining to composition, terms of reference,
    meetings held and attendance thereat of these Committees during the year have been enumerated in Corporate
    Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report.

    Additionally, Company being an Exchange, has also constituted other Regulatory Committees as stipulated under SECC
    Regulations, 2018.


    A detailed note on the composition, terms of reference etc of Audit Committee is covered under the Corporate Governance
    Report. During the year under review, all the recommendations made by the Audit Committee were accepted by the Board.


    The shareholders, at their 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 31st August 2020 have appointed M/s Shah Gupta &
    Co., Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 109574W) for another term of 5 (five) consecutive years to hold office
    from the conclusion of the 18th AGM until the conclusion of the 23rd AGM of the Company, at a remuneration of ?15 lakh
    (Rupees Fifteen lakh) for the FY 2020-21, plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses and applicable taxes, with an
    escalation of upto 10% once in two years. The Audit Committee and Board in its meeting held on 04th February 2023,
    considered, and recommended an increase of 6% in the statutory audit fees of M/s Shah Gupta & Co. for the FY 2022-23 &
    FY 2023-24 amounting to ? 15,90,000/- for each year (plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses and applicable taxes).

    The Report given by the Auditor on Financial Statements of the Company forms part of the Annual Report. There is no
    qualification, reservation or adverse remark made by the Auditor in their report.


    M/s. AVS & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, were appointed as the Secretarial Auditors by the Board to conduct
    the secretarial audit of the Company for the FY 2022-23. Further, M/s Mayekar & Associates, Practicing Company
    Secretaries, were appointed as the Secretarial Auditors by the Board of MCXCCL to conduct their secretarial audit for the FY

    In accordance with Section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 24A of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 the
    Secretarial Audit Reports of the Company and MCXCCL for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2023 are annexed as
    Annexure IV to this Report.

    The observations along with Management response as stated in the report are as follows:

    1. One day delay has been noticed w.r.t. the transfer of the final dividend amount declared in the 20th AGM to the
    separate bank account opened for that purpose. However, the dividend has been paid to the shareholders within the
    timeline prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013;

    The Management hereby clarifies that to regularise the same, the Company has filed a Compounding Application
    with Registrar of Companies in the month of May 2023 under Section 441 of the Companies Act, 2013.

    2. SEBI vide order dated 28th February2023 imposed a penalty of ' 6 Lakhs on the Company for (i) Not having
    systems in place for verification of Sikkim-based clients who are exempted from submission of PAN, and (ii) As
    purported, the fine imposed on the trading members for submission of incorrect KYC details in the UCC System
    of the Company by the MD & CEO of MCX instead of the Member and Core Settlement Guarantee Fund
    Committee by way of formulating a policy as per SEBI Circulars dated 16th September 2016 and 10th January 2019
    respectively. Subsequently, the Company has paid the said penalty to SEBI on 12th April 2023.

    The Management hereby clarifies that the Company has paid the penalty of ' 6,00,000/- on 12th April 2023 as
    levied by SEBI. A special audit was carried out with regard to the above through E&Y LLP and they did not find
    any malafide intent on part of the management. The Company abides by applicable SEBI Regulations.


    Internal Audit for the year ended 31st March 2023, was conducted by M/s Sarda & Pareek LLP, Chartered Accountants.
    Internal Audit report at periodic intervals were placed before the Audit Committee. Further, the Board of Directors had
    approved the extension of internal audit service of M/s Sarda & Pareek, LLP, Chartered Accountants for FY 2023 - 24.


    Maintenance of cost records and requirement of Cost Audit as prescribed under the provisions of Section 148(1) of the Act,
    are not applicable for the business activities carried out by the Company.


    During the year under review, except to extent stated herein, the Company has complied with all the applicable provisions
    of the Secretarial Standards issued by Institute of Company Secretaries of India on Meetings of the Board of Directors (SS-1)
    and General Meetings (SS-2).


    Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Annual Return for FY 2022-23 is available at the web link


    Your Company has maintained adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting, which are constantly assessed
    and strengthened with new/revised standard operating procedures. The Board has adopted policies and procedures for
    ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to the Company's policies, safeguarding of
    its assets, prevention and detection of fraud, error reporting mechanisms, accuracy and completeness of the accounting
    records and timely preparation of reliable financial disclosures.

    The Company's internal control system is commensurate with its size, scale and complexities of its operations. The Audit
    Committee of the Board actively reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control systems and suggests
    improvements to strengthen the same. The Audit Committee of the Board and Statutory Auditors are periodically apprised
    of the internal audit findings and corrective actions taken. Audit plays a key role in providing assurance to the Board of
    Directors on the effectiveness of internal controls and the veracity of the financial statements. Such internal financial
    controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as of 31st March 2023.


    No fraud has been reported by the Auditors to the Audit Committee or the Board.

    Crude Oil Matters:

    On 20th April 2020, the prices of the Crude Oil Futures Contract traded on NYMEX, that was due to expire on the next day

    i.e. 21st April 2020, fell into negative territory i.e. negative 37.63 $ (Thirty Seven Point Sixty Three Dollars Only) due to the
    deepest fall in demand on account of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. As Crude Oil Futures settled on the
    Exchange platform as per NYMEX, by the Circular dated 21st April 2020, issued by MCXCCL, the Due Date Rate of Crude Oil
    Futures contract expiring on 20th April 2020 was fixed at a negative value viz. ? (-) 2884/- resulting in multiple Writ Petitions
    being filed against MCX and MCXCCL in various High Courts. It was
    inter-alia prayed to quash and set aside the Impugned
    Circular 21st April 2020.

    MCX had filed a Transfer petition before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, inter-alia among other grounds that none of the
    Courts have territorial jurisdiction over the matter and therefore all the Writs ought to be transferred to Mumbai (before
    Hon'ble Bombay High Court). SEBI also had filed a separate Transfer Petition before the Supreme Court seeking transfer of
    the Writ Petitions.

    Pursuant to the transfer petition of SEBI, the Hon'ble Supreme Court inter-alia vide its order dated 24th July 2020 stayed the
    proceedings of all the Writ Petitions filed before various High Courts till the final disposal of the matter and tagged the
    petition of SEBI with the Company's petition. The Transfer petitions were listed for hearing and final disposal on

    01st September 2022. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has inter-alia directed to transfer all the writ petitions filed before various
    High Courts to Hon'ble Bombay High Court which are pending in the Bombay High Court now. In two other Writs, SEBI has
    in January 2023 filed transfer petition before the Supreme Court which shall be heard in due course.

    Compounding of offences:

    Dividend for FY 2021 - 2022 was deposited in separate Bank account, after one day delay, however, dividend was paid to
    shareholders within regulatory timelines. In view of the same, the Company has filed an application for Compounding of
    Offences on May 2023.


    HR plays an instrumental role in securing the future success of the organization. In doing so, HR by its long term vision of
    working in partnership to create an environment where employees can thrive and are enabled to deliver sustainable
    organizational performance.

    As on 31st March 2023, the Exchange had 378 employees (includes confirmed employees and trainees/management

    HR principles & priorities have ensured that exchange seeks to retain, develop and continue to attract people with the
    requisite skills to help shape a better organization and foster employees engagement and motivation throughout the
    implementation process. Structured 'Internal Job Posting' provides opportunities to deserving employees to be considered
    for lateral & hierarchical career growth within the organization .

    Additionally, Exchange undertakes various staff welfare activities to improve productivity by bringing unity such as the
    "Annual Employee Event", designed to have enhanced interpersonal relationship and team work. As a new initiative,
    Exchange has rewarded employee's children for their exceptional efforts in passing 10th and 12th standard examination with
    fiying colors.


    Your Company continues to have in place an Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy and is complied with the provisions relating to
    the constitution of Internal Complaints Committee under "The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention,
    Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013"

    No complaint was received during the FY 2022- 23 in relation thereto.


    The stock options granted to the employees of the Company, operate under the "Employee Stock Option Scheme 2008
    (ESOP 2008)" of the Company, formulated in accordance with the SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee
    Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines 1999, which was approved by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting
    held on 27th February 2008. MCX ESOP Trust constituted by the Company is responsible for administration and
    implementation of the scheme under the directions of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. There has been no
    change in the Scheme during the year ended 31st March 2023.

    There were no grants pending for vesting as at 31st March 2023. No new grants were made during FY 2022-23.

    The relevant disclosures required under the SEBI Regulations for the year ended 31st March 2023 are available on the
    website of the Company at


    The disclosures to be made under Section 134 (3) (m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 (3) of the Companies
    (Accounts) Rules, 2014, are explained as under:


    Your Company is committed to good corporate governance aligned with the best corporate practices. The report on
    Corporate Governance, as stipulated under Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and
    the certificate from a Practicing Company Secretary, regarding compliance of conditions of corporate governance, forms
    part of this Annual Report. The report on Corporate Governance also contains disclosures as required under the Companies
    Act, 2013.


    The disclosure pertaining to resources committed towards strengthening regulatory functions and ensuring compliance
    with regulatory requirements, backed by an activity based accounting, in terms of Regulation 33 of the SECC Regulations,
    2018, is as under.

    The Company has dedicated resources to manage the regulatory functions given in the table below. There are 131
    resources in these functions at various designations as on 31st March 2023. The total cost incurred by the Exchange towards
    these functions in FY 2022-23 was ? 16.06/- crore.



    Inspection & Audit


    Investor Protection Fund


    Investor Services Department


    Market Operations




    Regulatory Compliance


    Secretarial & Compliance


    Surveillance & Investigation


    Grand Total



    Pursuant to the requirement of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013, your Directors confirm that:

    a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended 31st March 2023, the applicable accounting
    standards have been followed and there are no material departures from the same;

    b) they have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgements and estimates
    that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st
    March 2023 and of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date;

    c) they have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance
    with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud
    and other irregularities;

    d) they have prepared the annual accounts on a 'going concern' basis;

    e) they have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial
    controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and

    f) they have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such
    systems are adequate and operating effectively.


    During the year under review, no application has been made under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Hence, the
    requirement to disclose the details of application made or any proceeding pending under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
    Code, 2016 (31 of 2016) along with their status as at the end of the financial year is not applicable.


    The requirement to disclose the details of difference between amount of the valuation done at the time of onetime
    settlement and the valuation done while taking loan from the Banks or Financial Institutions along with the reasons
    thereof, is not applicable.


    The Board of Directors wishes to place on record their sincere gratitude for the valuable guidance and continued support
    extended by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, SEBI, RBI, Stock Exchanges, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, other
    government authorities, Banks, trading members, shareholders, members of various committees, auditors and other
    stakeholders. The Directors would also like to take this opportunity to express their appreciation for the dedicated efforts
    of the employees of the Company.

    For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

    Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala P S Reddy

    Chairman MD & CEO

    (DIN: 06417704) (DIN: 01064530)

    Mumbai Mumbai

    29th July 2023 29th July 2023

  • Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd.

    Company News

    Market Cap.(`) 32797.31 Cr. P/BV 15.19 Book Value (`) 423.35
    52 Week High/Low ( ` ) 6680/2162 FV/ML 10/1 P/E(X) 394.64
    Book Closure 19/09/2024 EPS (`) 16.30 Div Yield (%) 0.12
    You can view the latest news of the Company.

Attention Investors : “Prevent unauthorized transactions in your account ? Update your Mobile Numbers/Email IDs with your stock brokers. Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your Mobile/Email at the end of the day. Issued in the interest of Investors” ***** No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account.   |     |  ***** KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (Broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.   |  "Revised guidelines on margin collection ==> 1. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020. | 2. Update your mobile number & email Id with your stock broker/depository participant and receive OTP directly from depository on your email id and/or mobile number to create pledge. | 3. Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment. | 4. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard. | 5. Check your Securities /MF/ Bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month. .......... Issued in the interest of Investors"   |  ***** MEMBERS : SEBI Regn. No: NSE, BSE: INZ000176636 ; MCX : INZ000057535; SEBI Research Analyst Regn No: INH200000337; AMFI Regn No. 77624; Depository Participant : CDSL : IN-DP-CDSL-379-2006 DP ID : 12047600   |  For any Grievance mail to :   |  For any DP Grievance mail to :   |  Grievance with SEBI :